I installed a vCenter on a VM, and accidentally the IP address of the VM changed (will not lie, I changed intentionally, IP was difficult to rememberJ ). In next few seconds, the hosts that were being managed by vCenter showed as disconnected through vSphere Client. I tried to reconnect them but it displayed “heart beat” mismatch error under “Summary” tab.

There are few steps to rectify this error.

1. From vSphere Client, right-click on the ESX host and click Remove.

2. Remove the agent from ESX host.

3. Add the ESX host again to vCenter inventory. Select New > Add Host.

This will result in reinstallation of the VMware vCenter Server agent.

I tried to automate this in Power Shell. Below is the script for the same:


$Server = Read-Host "Enter the server name"

$S_User = Read-Host "Enter the User name to connect server"

$S_Password = Read-Host "Enter the Password to connect server"

$DCname = Read-Host "Enter the Datacenter name"

# Connect to server

Connect-VIServer $Server -User $S_User -Password $S_Password

$si = get-view serviceinstance

# Build of the VC

$build = $si.content.about.Build

# Version of the VC

$version = $si.content.about.Version

#Host name to remove the agent

$HostName = Read-Host "Enter the Host name to remove agent"

#Removing the Host from VC

Remove-VMHost -VMHost (Get-VMHost -Name $HostName) -Confirm:$false

$VCBuild = "$version-$build"

#credentials of the User having shell excess

$User = Read-Host "Enter the User name having shell access"

$Password = Read-Host "Enter the User's password having shell access"

#Path of putty available

$plink = "c:\putty\plink.exe"

$plinkoptions = " -v -batch -pw $Password"

#To implement special commands like "|" and "&&" ,I have used the below way

$cmd1 = 'rpm -qa "|" grep vpxa'

$cmd2 = 'service mgmt-vmware stop "&&" service vmware-vpxa stop "&&" service vmware-vmkauthd stop "&&" service xinetd restart'

$cmd3 = 'rpm -qa "|" grep -i vpxa "|" awk ''{print $1}''"|" xargs rpm -ef $1 "&&" userdel vpxuser "&&" service mgmt-vmware start "&&" service vmware-vmkauthd start'

#command1 for VirtualCenter Agents on Host

$command = $plink + " " + $plinkoptions + " " + $User + "@" + $HostName + " " + $cmd1

#command2 for stopping the management services

$command2 = $plink + " " + $plinkoptions + " " + $User + "@" + $HostName + " " + $cmd2

#command3 for removing the vpxa agent, "userdel vpxuser" removes the vpxa user, restart the services of Host

$command3 = $plink + " " + $plinkoptions + " " + $User + "@" + $HostName + " " + $cmd3

#invoking the command1

$msg = Invoke-Expression -command $command

#invoking the command2

$msg1 = Invoke-Expression -command $command2

#invoking the command3

$msg2 = Invoke-Expression -command $command3

#time given to restart the services

sleep -Seconds 500

# Adding the Host to the VC, agent will automatically get installed

Add-VMHost -Name $HostName -User $User -Password $Password -Location (Get-Datacenter -Name $DCname)


Pre-requisites to run the above script:-

  1. PowerShell
  2. VMware vSphere PowerCLI
  3. Putty

Note: This script will work against ESX classic hosts only.


  1. Unknown said...

    Very informative I've found your blog via Google and I'm really happy about the information you provide

    Proxy Server

  2. Unknown said...

    So I used some of this code, and for that I am grateful. For those that do not want to disconnect, and reconnect their hosts, and have to change their vcenter IP, and ESX IP addresses I have a script (WIP) that will enable SSH through PowerCLI, and edit the vpxa.cfg file through plink / grep | sed, and restart the vpxa mgmt service. Message me if interested.

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