I installed a vCenter on a VM, and accidentally the IP address of the VM changed (will not lie, I changed intentionally, IP was difficult to rememberJ ). In next few seconds, the hosts that were being managed by vCenter showed as disconnected through vSphere Client. I tried to reconnect them but it displayed “heart beat” mismatch error under “Summary” tab.
There are few steps to rectify this error.
1. From vSphere Client, right-click on the ESX host and click Remove.
2. Remove the agent from ESX host.
3. Add the ESX host again to vCenter inventory. Select New > Add Host.
This will result in reinstallation of the VMware vCenter Server agent.
I tried to automate this in Power Shell. Below is the script for the same:
$Server = Read-Host "Enter the server name"
$S_User = Read-Host "Enter the User name to connect server"
$S_Password = Read-Host "Enter the Password to connect server"
$DCname = Read-Host "Enter the Datacenter name"
# Connect to server
Connect-VIServer $Server -User $S_User -Password $S_Password
$si = get-view serviceinstance
# Build of the VC
$build = $si.content.about.Build
# Version of the VC
$version = $si.content.about.Version
#Host name to remove the agent
$HostName = Read-Host "Enter the Host name to remove agent"
#Removing the Host from VC
Remove-VMHost -VMHost (Get-VMHost -Name $HostName) -Confirm:$false
$VCBuild = "$version-$build"
#credentials of the User having shell excess
$User = Read-Host "Enter the User name having shell access"
$Password = Read-Host "Enter the User's password having shell access"
#Path of putty available
$plink = "c:\putty\plink.exe"
$plinkoptions = " -v -batch -pw $Password"
#To implement special commands like "|" and "&&" ,I have used the below way
$cmd1 = 'rpm -qa "|" grep vpxa'
$cmd2 = 'service mgmt-vmware stop "&&" service vmware-vpxa stop "&&" service vmware-vmkauthd stop "&&" service xinetd restart'
$cmd3 = 'rpm -qa "|" grep -i vpxa "|" awk ''{print $1}''"|" xargs rpm -ef $1 "&&" userdel vpxuser "&&" service mgmt-vmware start "&&" service vmware-vmkauthd start'
#command1 for VirtualCenter Agents on Host
$command = $plink + " " + $plinkoptions + " " + $User + "@" + $HostName + " " + $cmd1
#command2 for stopping the management services
$command2 = $plink + " " + $plinkoptions + " " + $User + "@" + $HostName + " " + $cmd2
#command3 for removing the vpxa agent, "userdel vpxuser" removes the vpxa user, restart the services of Host
$command3 = $plink + " " + $plinkoptions + " " + $User + "@" + $HostName + " " + $cmd3
#invoking the command1
$msg = Invoke-Expression -command $command
#invoking the command2
$msg1 = Invoke-Expression -command $command2
#invoking the command3
$msg2 = Invoke-Expression -command $command3
#time given to restart the services
sleep -Seconds 500
# Adding the Host to the VC, agent will automatically get installed
Add-VMHost -Name $HostName -User $User -Password $Password -Location (Get-Datacenter -Name $DCname)
Pre-requisites to run the above script:-
- PowerShell
- VMware vSphere PowerCLI
- Putty
Note: This script will work against ESX classic hosts only.
Labels: conflict, powershell, vCenter IP
Very informative I've found your blog via Google and I'm really happy about the information you provide
Proxy Server
So I used some of this code, and for that I am grateful. For those that do not want to disconnect, and reconnect their hosts, and have to change their vcenter IP, and ESX IP addresses I have a script (WIP) that will enable SSH through PowerCLI, and edit the vpxa.cfg file through plink / grep | sed, and restart the vpxa mgmt service. Message me if interested.